16 Jun 2008

What I'm Reading - From Acorns..how to build your brilliant business from scratch

If you want to pick up a trick on great business relations ask an entrepreneur.

Just finished reading From Acorns...how to build your brilliant business from scratch by Caspian Woods. I posted a brief review on Amazon but what readers of this blog might find more interest is the motivation behind my choice.

I admire entrepreneurs for a variety of reasons but mostly it's for their unconventional think. Let's be honest, they wouldn't last very long in the business world if they did the same thing as the guys already ahead of them. This gives rise to all sorts of ideas in their writing, ideas that you and I can very often apply to our situations.

As well as having to be great sales people they also have to be excellent at networking. This book has a few great ideas on both topics and the author, through excellent design, makes them easy to find. The book is worth a read but the genre (Starting a Business) is always worth exploring what ever your interest.

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