8 Mar 2009

The Tipping Point and relationships

What do shoes, fashion, epidemics and smoking campaigns have in common with social networking?

A lot when viewed through the eyes of Gladwell in The Tipping Point.

This is a remarkable read on the power of relationships and networks. By mixing observation on life with hard facts and analysis you are taken on a journey from how epidemics occur, the impact of a few, what makes an idea persist (sticky) and the importance of context.

What makes this book stand out in my mind though is not only does it present the ideas but suggest how it might be applied to current problem (e.g. health campaigns or marketing buzz)

This book is a must-read for any networker, marketer or students of people and relationships. Chapter Two alone on "The Law of the Few: Connectors, Mavens and Salesmen offers a fresh look at what motivates different types of networkers in live.

Beg, borrow or buy a copy. Be warned, you'll never look at a pair of hush puppies (shoes) the same again.

(Expect my thoughts on BLINK, another of Gladwells books in a future post.

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