13 Jul 2008

Fast food Relationships

"A Savage servility slides by on grease"
- Robert Lowell

I recently read Eric Schlosser expose on the fast food industry, Fast Food Nation. It's a shocking and compelling read on many levels, especially given that fast food is such an integral part of our culture

One of the many thoughts that struck me while reading it was that some of the problems could have been avoided if working relationships had not been let deteriorate to such an extent over the years as the fast food business rushed towards lower cost, higher margins and standardisation.

It is very easy for organisation, from large corporation to mom-and-pop shops, to loose their way in the pursuit of profits when there is no sense of loyalty, commitment or empathy with the people who have to live with that organisations decisions.

It's not all doom and gloom and there are glimmers of hope throughout the book and in every case you see that it's because relationships with individuals, society, nature and the environment have been respected and developed. It is also encouraging that individuals (that includes us) can make a difference.

The irony is that the fast food industry are actually experts in developing relationships with their
customers, franchisees, suppliers and employees (ask any 6 year old child who Ronald McDonald is!). Its just that these are very often exploited for short term gain rather than nurtured for mutual benefit

I recommend you read it. I don't know if you will agree with my observations on relationships in this instance but you will not be left without food for thought.

To get both sides of this story I have also got John Love's McDonald's - Beyond the Arches on the shelf. It might be an old one but I know it will be a interesting one.

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